Friday, June 24, 2016

A surprise finding of a very useful torso

For a while I was discussing with one of my friend on making a comic version of the iron patriot (norman osborn version) and have tried to use those nexo knight armor on the movie iron patriot body but didn't like how it turned out so was still looking around for the right torso, surprisingly yesterday while going through the spare mini figure parts I have gathered so far..... I found the right torso I need to make the iron patriot, I was really surprising about finding it as the torso was from a badly done Captain America which didn't resemble a Cap mini figure at all. I bought it very soon ago at my workplace and then chuck it somewhere and forget about it and now it come in handy. So what do u think? Very fitting? Anyway anyone know where this torso is from cos I threw away the box and didn't know where this torso is from anymore, but it is definitely not from those usual brand we know of.


Unknown said...

Torso resembles Iron Patriot but looks not very good itself. Seems like plastic quality was very bad, so the manufacturer is not among well known bootleg brands, maybe it was LEBQ?

Lau Kah Wai said...

Yup the plastic quality is pretty lousy.