Saturday, July 2, 2016


One of the original 5 X-Men, warren worthington the third. He lost his original feather wing in the mutant massacre storyline and subsequently get his metallic wing from apocalypse and became his horseman of death. 


This is the recently released archangel mini figure by xinh. It come with metal coated wing. Look fancy but kind of long and may be difficulty to display due to the wide spread wing so I decide to make a concealed wing version of him.

This is not it. But I think it would be cool if we are able to add a blonde hair piece to show warren hair when he is angel. This sort of look like his mutant X version when he was turned into a vampire and instead of metal wing he have leather wing like bat.

Ok it still look bulky, this are some parts I took from the iron man SY brand.

So does it look better or the original metallic wing is better?


  1. I think you could've used here space batman wings. He has 2 version of them.

    Anyway it's possible to cut batman shaped wings from thick paper and paint them to get perfect match.

  2. Wow....this batman wing really look fitting as the fold up wing for archangel.

  3. This batman with both kinds of wings was in Lele 79027 set.
    The black bat style wings for vampire archangel could be taken from green lantern batman from Shen Yuan 295

    1. Good idea, maybe the next time when I ordered minifigure from taobao I will look for this series of batman. Thank bro.
